The Statue

Busy weekend! Worked on a statue for the video game. This is of the Goddess Kapra, seen else where in sketch form and in the Entryway painting. This is a lower poly than some of my other characters, it will be a statue located higher than the eye line of the character. kapra34colorkapra34nocolorkaprabackcolorkaprabacknocolorkapracolorfrontkapracolorsidekaprafrontnocolorkaprasidenocolor

Harpy Model

The sketches, seen earlier for the harpy have finally manifested into a Zbrush Model. It took a while to figure out the mechanics of the wings but it worked itself out. Here is the harpy model for the video game. harpy3quartnocolorharpybackcolorharpybacknocolorharpyfrontcolorharpyfrontnocolorharpysidecolorharpysidenocolorharpythreequarterscolor


In the game, you play as one of the champions and are looking for your rival. Monsters such as the skeleton model, will come and attack you

These monsters were once people that lived in the temple (where the game takes place) Monks become skeletons, Templar knights become minotaurs, and Priestesses become Harpies. These are a few of the sketches I made for that character. I am currently working on a model for the Harpy that I hope to post some time this week!


Skeleton Model without Color

This is the first character of the video game I am currently designing. This version is without color and I will be uploading the color version shortly after. Our hope with this character is to have it as a low level fighting opponent that will be easy yo kill. I rather enjoyed making this skeleton mainly because of how he isn’t “pretty.” I got to play around with gross imagery such as the intestines, broken ribcage, rotting flesh, and exposed skin.skeletonnocolor_backskeletonnocolor_frontskeletonnocolor_sideskeletonnocolor